Instruments & Instruments Packs

Non-Sterile Instruments

Sterile Instruments

Sterile Instrument Packs

Non-Sterile InstrumentsBack to Top▲

Re-Usable Needle Holders & Artery Forceps

25-180 Kilner Needle Holder 13.5cm £ Each
25-130 Mayo Hegar Needle Holder 12.5cm £ Each
17-300 Spencer Wells Forceps Straight 12.5cm £ Each
17-310 Spencer Wells Forceps Curved 13cm £ Each
17-302 Spencer Wells Forceps Straight 15cm £ Each
17-312 Spencer Wells Forceps Curved 15cm £ Each
17-304 Spencer Wells Forceps Straight 18cm £ Each
17-314 Spencer Wells Forceps Curved 18cm £ Each
17-306 Spencer Wells Forceps Straight 20cm £ Each
17-316 Spencer Wells Forceps Curved 20cm £ Each
17-140 Halsted Mosquito Forceps Straight 12.5cm £ Each
17-142 Halsted Mosquito Forceps Curved 13cm £ Each

Re-Usable Stainless Steel Scissors

13-104 Dressing Scissors Blunt/Blunt 15cm £ Each
13-114 Dressing Scissors Sharp/Blunt 15cm £ Each
13-124 Dressing Scissors Sharp/Sharp 15cm £ Each
27-104 Lister Bandage Scissors 14cm £ Each
27-106 Lister Bandage Scissors 18cm £ Each
13-180 Mayo Scissors Straight 14cm £ Each
13-190 Mayo Scissors Curved 14cm £ Each
13-184 Mayo Scissors Straight 17cm £ Each
13-194 Mayo Scissors Curved 17cm £ Each
13-530 Iris Scissors Straight 11cm £ Each
13-532 Iris Scissors Curved 11cm £ Each

Re-Usable Chiropody Instruments

SKG-M1040 Turnbull Nail Cutter Curved 12cm (Barrel Spring) £ Each
SKG-M1044 Turnbull Nail Cutter Curved 13cm £ Each
SKG-M1041 Turnbull Nail Cutter Curved 14cm (Barrel Spring) £ Each
SKG-M1042 Cantilever Nipper Curved 16cm £ Each
SKG-M1060 Corner Nipper Straight 11.5cm £ Each
SKG-M1061 Corner Nipper Straight 12.5cm £ Each
SKG-M1062 Corner Nipper Straight 13.5cm £ Each
SS09 Cuticle Nippers with Pink Rubber Handle £ Each

Stainless Steel Dressing & Tissue Forceps

15-360 Bonney Forceps 1/2 Toothed 18cm £ Each
15-380 Bonney Forceps Plain 18cm £ Each
15-340 Gillies Forceps 1/2 Teeth 15cm £ Each
15-310 Mc'Indoes Forceps Non-Toothed 15cm £ Each
10-580 Adson Forceps Non-Toothed 12cm £ Each
10-510 Adson Forceps Toothed 12cm £ Each
10-105 Iris Forceps Plain 11cm £ Each
10-101 Iris Forceps 1/2 Teeth 11cm £ Each
15-130 Treves Forceps Toothed 12.5cm £ Each
Sterile InstrumentsBack to Top▲

Disposable Sterile Single-Use Steel Forceps

R7888 Mosquito Artery Forceps Straight 12.5cm £ Each
R7889 Mosquito Artery Forceps Curved 12.5cm £ Each
R7893 Iris Dissecting Forceps Toothed 10cm £ Each
R7894 Iris Dissecting Forceps Non-Toothed 10cm £ Each
R500-210 Gillies Forceps Toothed 15cm £ Each
R7910 Adson Forceps Non-Toothed 12.5cm £ Each
R7923 Adson Forceps Toothed 12.5cm £ Each
R7973 Adson Micro Forceps Toothed 12.5cm £ Each
R7974 Adson Micro Forceps Non-Toothed 12.5cm £ Each
R7897 TOE (Turn Over End) Forceps 13cm £ Each
R7908 Spencer Wells Forceps Straight 12.5cm £ Each
R500-120 Spencer Wells Forceps Curved 12.5cm £ 10/Pack
R500-119 Spencer Wells Forceps Straight 23cm £ Each

'Bought to order' items may incur an additional delivery cost, subject to availability.

Disposable Sterile Single-Use Scissors

R200-100 Tenotomy Scissors Curved Fine 11cm £ Each
R7966 Mayo Scissors Straight 14cm £ 20/Case
Bought to order
R7849 Strabismus Scissors Curved 11.5cm £ Each
Instrapac CleanCut Plus General Purpose Scissors Sharp Sharp R8570 CleanCut Plus Scissors Sharp/Sharp 12cm £ Each
R7898 Iris Stitch Scissors Straight 11cm £ Each
R7948 Iris Stitch Scissors Curved 11.5cm £ Each
R500-854 Sims Uterine Scissors Curved 20cm £ Each

'Bought to order' items may incur an additional delivery cost, subject to availability.

Disposable Sterile Single-Use Podiatry Instruments

R8029 Roller Spring Nail Nipper Curved £ Each
R8083 Roller Spring Nail Nipper Straight £ Each

'Bought to order' items may incur an additional delivery cost, subject to availability.

Disposable Sterile Single-Use Gynaecology Instruments

R500-812 Tenaculum Forceps 1-1 Teeth 25cm £ Each
R7957 Teale Vulsellum Forceps 4-3 Teeth 23cm £ Each
R7877 Currie Uterine Scissors 20cm £ Each
R7958 Galabin Uterine Sound 32cm £ 40/Case
Bought to order
R7909 Rampley Sponge Holder 18cm £ Each
R7969 Rampley Sponge Holder 24cm £ Each

Disposable Sterile Single-Use Ear & Nasal Instruments

R7831 Jobson Horn Probe 18cm £ 40/Case
Bought to order

'Bought to order' items may incur an additional delivery cost, subject to availability.

Disposable Sterile Single-Use Generic Instruments

R7895 Kilner Needle Holder 13.5cm £ Each
R7994 Mayo Needle Holder 15cm £ Each
R500-426 Derf Needle Holder 12cm £ 40/Case
Bought to order
R7899 Silver Probe with Eye 13cm £ Each
R7906 BP Scalpel Handle No. 3 £ Each
R7947 Volkmann Double Ended Spoon Medium 22cm £ Each
R7950 Gillies Skin Hook Medium 18cm £ Each

'Bought to order' items may incur an additional delivery cost, subject to availability.


Sterile Bi-Polar Forceps

  1. Single-Use sterile Bi-Polar forceps standard pattern
  2. Stainless steel with nylon coating insulation
  3. Complete with 3 metre detachable cable
  4. 1 - 1.5mm plain tip 200mm length
R77102 Sterile Bi-Polar Forceps £ Each
Sterile Instrument PacksBack to Top▲
Sterile Suture Packs


Standard Suture Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Kilner Needle Holder (14cm)
  2. 1 x Iris Stitch Scissors Straight (11.5cm)
  3. 1 x Treves Forceps Toothed (13cm)
  4. 1 x TOE Forceps (13cm)
R7883 Standard Suture Pack £ Each


Standard Suture Pack Plus

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Kilner Needle Holder (14cm)
  2. 1 x Iris Stitch Scissors Straight (11.5cm)
  3. 1 x Treves Forceps Toothed (13cm)
  4. 1 x TOE Forceps (13cm)
  5. 1 x Tray with 2 Integral Pots
  6. 2 x Dressing Towel (43cm x 38cm)
  7. 5 x Non-Woven Swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm) 4 Ply
R7884 Standard Suture Pack Plus £ Each


Fine Suture Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Kilner Needle Holder (14cm)
  2. 1 x Iris Stitch Scissors Straight (11.5cm)
  3. 1 x Iris Forceps Toothed (10cm)
  4. 1 x Iris Forceps Non-Toothed (10cm)
R7885 Fine Suture Pack £ Each


Fine Suture Pack Plus

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Kilner Needle Holder (14cm)
  2. 1 x Iris Stitch Scissors Straight (11.5cm)
  3. 1 x Iris Forceps Toothed (10cm)
  4. 1 x Iris Forceps Non-Toothed (10cm)
  5. 1 x Tray with 2 Integral Pots
  6. 2 x Dressing Towel (43cm x 38cm)
  7. 5 x Non-Woven Swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm) 4 Ply
R7886 Fine Suture Pack Plus £ Each
Sterile IUD Packs


Standard IUD Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Allis Tissue Forceps (25cm)
  2. 1 x Spencer Wells Forceps (18cm)
  3. 1 x Mayo Scissors Straight (18cm)
  4. 1 x Gallipot 60ml
R7842 Standard IUD Pack £ Each


Standard IUD Pack With Cusco

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Allis Tissue Forceps (25cm)
  2. 1 x Spencer Wells Forceps (18cm)
  3. 1 x Mayo Scissors Straight (18cm)
  4. 1 x Gallipot 60ml
  5. 1 x Cusco Speculum (Medium)
R7983 Standard IUD Pack With Cusco £ Each


Durbin IUD Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Allis Tissue Forceps (25cm)
  2. 1 x Gallipot 60ml
  3. 1 x Rampley Sponge Holder (25cm)
  4. 1 x Currie Uterine Scissors (20cm)
  5. 4 x Cotton Wool Balls BP (Medium)
R7946 Durbin IUD Pack £ Each


IUD Procedure Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Cusco Speculum (Medium)
  2. 1 x Teale Vulsellum Forceps (23cm)
  3. 1 x Rampley Sponge Holder (25cm)
  4. 1 x Sims Uterine Sound (32cm)
  5. 1 x Currie Uterine Scissors (20cm)
  6. 1 x Tray with 2 Integral Pots
  7. 1 x Dressing Towel (43cm x 38cm)
  8. 1 x Gallipot 60ml
  9. 5 x Cotton Wool Balls BP (Large)
R7852 IUD Procedure Pack £ Each
Sterile Podiatry Packs


Podiatry Basic Pack - Straight Roller Spring

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Nail Cutter Straight Roller Spring (14cm)
  2. 1 x Blacks Extra Fine Nail File
  3. 1 x Diamond Deb Foot Dresser (18.5cm)
  4. 1 x BP Scalpel Handle No. 3
R8084 Podiatry Basic Pack - Straight Roller Spring £ Each


Nail Surgery Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Nail Elevator
  2. 1 x Beaver Mini Blade Handle
  3. 1 x Blacks Extra Fine Nail File
  4. 1 x Thwaites Nail Splitter (14cm)
  5. 1 x Tray with 2 Integral Pots
  6. 1 x Large Tubegauz Applicator
  7. 1 x Straight Mosquito Artery Forceps (12.5cm)
R7925 Nail Surgery Pack £ Each
Sterile Minor Operation Packs


Minor Operations Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Halsey Needle Holder (14cm)
  2. 1 x Iris Stitch Scissors Straight (11.5cm)
  3. 1 x Adson Micro Forceps Toothed (12cm)
  4. 1 x Strabismus Scissors Curved (11.5cm)
  5. 1 x BP Scalpel Handle No. 3
  6. 1 x Dressing Towel (43m x 38cm)
  7. 1 x Tray with 2 Integral Pots
  8. 10 x Gauze Swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm) 8 ply
R7979 Minor Operations Pack £ Each


Minor Operations Pack - BRONZE

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Kilner Needle Holder (12cm)
  2. 1 x Adson Dissecting Forceps Toothed (12.5cm)
  3. 1 x Adson Dissecting Forceps Non-Toothed (12.5cm)
  4. 1 x Halsted Mosquito Artery Forceps Straight (12.5cm)
  5. 1 x Scalpel Handle with No. 15 Blade
  6. 1 x Super Snip Scissors Sharp/Blunt (13.5cm)
  7. 1 x Iris Scissors Curved (11.5cm)
  8. 1 x Gallipot 60ml
  9. 1 x Dressing Towel (45cm x 45cm)
  10. 1 x Patient Drape
  11. 1 x Instrument Tray
  12. 1 x Sterile Field
  13. 5 x Non-Woven Swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm) 4 ply
  14. 1 x Rotrak Specification Form
R5003 Minor Operations Pack - BRONZE £ Each


Minor Operations Pack - GOLD

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Iris Scissors Straight (11cm)
  2. 1 x Strabismus Scissors Curved Blunt (11cm)
  3. 1 x Dressing Scissors Blunt-Blunt Straight (12.5cm)
  4. 1 x Kilner Needle Holder (13.5cm)
  5. 1 x Adson Dissecting Forceps Toothed (12.5cm)
  6. 1 x Adson Dissecting Forceps Non-Toothed (12.5cm)
  7. 1 x Mosquito Artery Forceps Straight (12.5cm)
  8. 1 x Mosquito Artery Forceps Curved (12.5cm)
  9. 1 x No. 3 Bard Parker Scalpel Handle
  10. 1 x Carbon Steel Scalpel Blade No. 15
  11. 1 x Instrument Tray
  12. 1 x Gillies Skin Hook Retractor Fine
  13. 1 x Polypropylene Bowl 250ml
  14. 1 x Sterile Field (75cm x 110cm)
  15. 2 x Polypropylene Gallipots 60ml
  16. 2 x Adhesive Drape (75cm x 75cm)
  17. 2 x Scrimex Towel (38cm x 47cm)
  18. 3 x Woven Gauze Balls (Medium)
  19. 5 x Gauze Swabs (10cm x 10cm) 12 ply
  20. 1 x Rotrak Specification Form
R5005 Minor Operations Pack - GOLD £ Each
Other Sterile Instrument Packs


Minor Surgery Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Kilner Needle Holder (14cm)
  2. 1 x Iris Stitch Scissors Straight (11.5cm)
  3. 1 x Halsted Mosquito Artery Forceps Curved (12.5cm)
  4. 1 x Adson Forceps Toothed (12.5cm)
  5. 1 x Adson Forceps Non-Toothed (12.5cm)
  6. 1 x Tray with 2 Integral Pots
  7. 2 x Dressing Towel (43cm x 38cm)
  8. 5 x Non-Woven Swabs
R7875 Minor Surgery Pack £ Each


Iris Pack

Pack Contents:

  1. 1 x Iris Stitch Scissors Straight (11.5cm)
  2. 1 x Iris Forceps Non-Toothed (10cm)
R7845 Iris Pack £ Each
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