Minor Operations

Non-Sterile Swabs

Sterile Swabs

Wound Care Packs

Cotton Wool And Sundries

Skin Closure

Miscellaneous Supplies

Bowls And Trays

Non-Sterile SwabsBack to Top▲


Premier® Cotton Gauze Swabs (Non-Sterile)

  1. Soft and highly absorbent cotton gauze to increase efficiency
  2. Consistent quality of gauze construction, absorbency levels and weight
  3. Double wrapped in line with aseptic opening practices to minimise contamination
  4. Ideal for use in skin cleansing, wound debridement and as a component in dressing packs
  5. Manufactured to BP/EN 14079 standards
  6. Material: 100% Cotton Gauze Type 13
  7. Intended Use: For non invasive procedures only
M1650A Premier® Cotton Gauze Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 5cm x 5cm 8ply £ 100/Pack
M1655A Premier® Cotton Gauze Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 8ply £ 100/Pack
M1670 Premier® Cotton Gauze Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 12ply £ 100/Pack
M1660A Premier® Cotton Gauze Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 8ply £ 100/Pack


Premier® Non-Woven Swabs (Non-Sterile)

Non-woven swabs made from a viscose/polyester material. Soft, gentle, virtually lint free swabs that provide strength and durability. The close knit weave of fabric provides excellent wound release with no snagging on sutures or wound debris. Manufactured to comply with the Drug Tariff Technical Specification 28.

M1910 Premier® Non-Woven Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 5cm x 5cm 4ply £ 200/Pack
M1915 Premier® Non-Woven Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 4ply £ 200/Pack
M1918 Premier® Non-Woven Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 6ply £ 100/Pack
M1920 Premier® Non-Woven Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 4ply £ 200/Pack
M1922 Premier® Non-Woven Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 6ply £ 100/Pack


Topper® Non-Woven Fabric Swabs (Non-Sterile)

Stronger swab than cotton gauze holds its shape better, excellent wound release, protects and cushions the wound, reduced chance of snagging on sutures.
Can also be used to apply prep scrub to the skin prior to procedures.

Synthetic Topper Swabs are unique rayon/polyester, non-woven sponges that provide improved strength, absorbency, and scrubbing texture compared to traditional gauze.

  1. Less linting than traditional gauze
  2. Holds its shape and texture better than cotton gauze sponges
  3. Reduces snagging on sutures and provides excellent wound release
  4. Versatile: dresses, preps and scrubs cleans, absorbs and wicks
M5040 Topper® 8 Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 5cm x 5cm 4ply £ 100/Pack
M5047 Topper® 8 Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 4ply £ 100/Pack
M5041 Topper® 8 Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 4ply £ 100/Pack
M53605 Topper® 12 Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 5cm x 5cm 6ply £ 200/Pack
M50607 Topper® 12 Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 6ply £ 100/Pack
M50610 Topper® 12 Swabs (Non-Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 6ply £ 100/Pack
Sterile SwabsBack to Top▲


Premier® Non-Woven Swabs (Sterile)

Soft gentle, virtually lint free non-woven swabs that provide strength and durability. Close knit weave of fabric provides excellent wound release with no snagging on sutures or wound debris. Manufactured to comply with the Drug Tariff Technical Specification 28.
Large opening peel pouch lip enables easy opening and safe presentation of sterile products.

  1. Produced and packed in clean conditions to ensure total reliability
  2. Ideal for use in skin cleansing, wound debridement and as a component in dressing packs
  3. Materials: Viscose/Polyester
  4. Intended Use: For non invasive procedures only
  5. Outer Wrap: Thermoform peel open pouch
  6. Sterilisation: ETO
M1850A Premier® Swabs (Sterile) - 5cm x 5cm 4ply £ 150/Pack (5/Pack x 30)
M1860A Premier® Swabs (Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 4ply £ 200/Pack (5/Pack x 40)
M1861A Premier® Swabs (Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 4ply £ 200/Pack (2/Pack x 100)
M1870A Premier® Swabs (Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 4ply £ 200/Pack (5/Pack x 40)
M1871A Premier® Swabs (Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 4ply £ 200/Pack (2/Pack x 100)
M1884A Premier® Swabs (Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 6ply £ 150/Pack (5/Pack x 30)


Sofsorb® Non-Woven Swabs (Sterile)

A soft close fibre construction swab providing efficient wet friction, proving ideal for debriding and cleansing of surface wounds.
Virtually lint free, this swab provides excellent conformability and thermal insulation making it the ideal solution for wound dressings and as a component for wound dressing packs.

VC28112 Sofsorb® Swabs (Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 4ply £ 200/Box (40 x 5)
VC28118 Sofsorb® Swabs (Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 4ply £ 125/Box (25 x 5)
VC28100 Sofsorb® Swabs (Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 4ply £ 100/Box (50 x 2)


Topper® Non-Woven Fabric Swabs (Sterile)

Stronger swab than cotton gauze holds its shape better, excellent wound release, protects and cushions the wound, reduced chance of snagging on sutures.
Can also be used to apply prep scrub to the skin prior to procedures.

Synthetic Topper Swabs are unique rayon/polyester, non-woven sponges that provide improved strength, absorbency, and scrubbing texture compared to traditional gauze.

  1. Less linting than traditional gauze
  2. Holds its shape and texture better than cotton gauze sponges
  3. Reduces snagging on sutures and provides excellent wound release
  4. Versatile: dresses, preps and scrubs cleans, absorbs and wicks
M8055 Topper® 8 Swabs (Sterile) - 5cm x 5cm 4ply £ 25 x 5 pouch (125/Box)
M8075 Topper® 8 Swabs (Sterile) - 7.5cm x 7.5cm 4ply £ 25 x 5 pouch (125/Box)
M8105 Topper® 8 Swabs (Sterile) - 10cm x 10cm 4ply £ 40 x 5 pouch (200/Box)


X-Ray Detectable Swabs (Sterile)

DETECTORS® are a comprehensive range of X-ray detectable gauze swabs. They are manufactured to standards demanded by operating theatre professionals. Quality controled during manufacture which includes visual inspection and metal detection checks

  1. Made from 100% Type 13 cotton gauze
  2. Manufactured to EN 14079 standards
  3. X-Ray detectable barium sulphate filament
  4. Visible on all commonly used X-Ray media including plain X-Ray film and Image Intensifier Fluoroscopy
  5. Excellent and rapid fluid absorption
  6. Double wrapped to support aseptic opening practice to minimise contamination
  7. Intended for intra operative use only
  8. Taped | Stitched | Double Wrapped
M0133A X-Ray Detectable Swabs (Sterile) - 30cm x 30cm 12 Ply £ 10 x 5/Pack
M0136A X-Ray Detectable Swabs (Sterile) - 30cm x 30cm 24 Ply £ 6 x 5/Pack
Wound Care PacksBack to Top▲


Polyfield Patient Pack - Nitrile Blue

  1. 1 x Pair nitrile accelerator-free gloves
  2. 7 x 4ply Non-Woven swabs (10cm x 10cm)
  3. 1 x Dressing towel (43cm x 38cm)
  4. 1 x White polythene apron (68cm x 135cm)
  5. 1 x White polythene disposal bag
  6. 1 x Laminate Sheet (50cm x 45cm)
  7. 1 x Sterile Sheet
  8. Measure guide
M6075 Polyfield Patient Pack - Small Gloves £ 20/Box
M6076 Polyfield Patient Pack - Medium Gloves £ 20/Box
M6077 Polyfield Patient Pack - Large Gloves £ 20/Box


ISODRESS Community Wound Care Packs

  1. 1 x PE Apron 80x140cm
  2. 1 x Waste bag – White 45x29cm with adhesive lip
  3. 1 x Tissue backed sterile field 50x50cm (wrap)
  4. 1 x Tissue backed drape 50x50cm (folded)
  5. 5 x Non-woven swabs 7.5×7.5cm 4-ply
  6. 1 x Dressing Towel
  7. Available with 1 x Nitrile gloves in paper wallet (size S or size L)
D201SM Community Wound Care Pack Small/Medium £ 10/Pack
D201LG Community Wound Care Pack - Large £ 10/Pack


Wound Care Pack 5 - National Option II (Sterile, Contains Latex)

  1. 5 x Swabs 4-Ply Non-Woven (7.5 x 7.5cm)
  2. 1 x Paper Towel
  3. 1 x Yellow Bag
  4. 1 x Pair of Medium Latex Powder-Free Gloves
  5. 1 x Triangular Gallipot Tray
  6. 1 x Sterile Field
L1001 Wound Care Pack 5 - National Option II £ 12/Pack


National Woundcare Pack 2

  1. 5 x Swabs 4-Ply Non-Woven (7.5 x 7.5cm)
  2. 1 x Dressing Towel (38cm x 43cm)
  3. 1 x Yellow Bag
  4. 1 x Pair of Medium Latex Powder Free Gloves
  5. 1 x 2-Compartment Tray
  6. 1 x Sterile Field (50cm x 50cm)
  7. 1 x 60ml Gallipot
DP10002 National Woundcare Pack 2 £ 10/Pack


Wound Care Pack 6 - National Option II (Sterile, Latex-Free)

  1. 5 x Swabs 4-Ply Non-Woven (7.5 x 7.5cm)
  2. 1 x Paper Towel
  3. 1 x Yellow Bag
  4. 1 x Pair of Medium Vinyl Gloves
  5. 1 x Tray with 2 Integral Gallipots
  6. 1 x Sterile field
L1007 Wound Care Pack 6 - National Option II £ 10/Pack


Wound Care Pack Option II Plus - Nitrile

  1. 1 x Pair of powder-free blue nitrile medium gloves
  2. 1 x 60ml Gallipot
  3. 1 x Dressing Towel
  4. 5 x 4ply Non-Woven swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm)
  5. 1 x Laminate Sterile Sheet (50cm x 45cm)
  6. 1 x 2 Compartment Tray
  7. 1 x Orange Disposal Bag
M6070 Wound Care Pack Option II Plus £ 10/Pack


ISOPAK General Woundcare Packs

  1. 1 x Non-compartmentalised tray
  2. 1 x Waste bag – Orange 45 x 29cm with adhesive lip
  3. 1 x Pair of Nitrile gloves in paper wallet (available in size S/M, L or no gloves)
  4. 1 x Tissue backed sterile field 50 x 50cm (wrap)
  5. 1 x Tissue backed drape 50 x 50cm
  6. 5 x Non-woven swabs 10 x 10cm 4-ply
  7. 1 x Dressing Towel 38 x 43cm
  8. 1 x Paper ruler with smiley face pain scale
D101SM General Woundcare Pack Small/Medium £ 10/Pack
D101LG General Woundcare Pack Large £ 10/Pack


Premier® Polyfield Dressing Aid

Provides a simple and effective method of aseptic dressing procedure, assisting control of infection by minimising the risk of cross contamination.

  1. 1 x Pair of medium powder-free latex gloves
  2. 1 x Polythene sterile field (40cm x 40cm)
  3. 1 x Orange disposal bag
M6011 Latex Polyfield Dressing Aid £ 50/Box


Minor Surgery Pack

  1. 1 x Sterile Field (60x60cm)
  2. 1 x Adhesive Aperture Drape (70x80cm)
  3. 1 x 3-Compartment Procedure Tray
  4. 2 x Non-Woven Balls
  5. 8 x Non-Woven 4ply Swabs (10cm x 10cm)
  6. 1 x Standard Dressing Towel (43cm x 38cm)
  7. 1 x Yellow Disposable Bag
M101-H Minor Surgery Pack £ 5/Pack


Community Dressing Pack

  1. 1 x Sterile Field (50cm x 50cm)
  2. 1 x Tissue Backed Drape (50cm x 50cm)
  3. 1 x 3-Compartment Procedure Tray
  4. 5 x Non-Woven 4ply swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm)
  5. 5 x Non-Woven 4ply swabs (10cm x 10cm)
  6. 1 x Dressing Towel 2ply (43cm x 38cm)
  7. 1 x White Disposable Bag
  8. 1 x Pair of Blue Nitrile Gloves
DP10025 Community Dressing Pack £ 10/Pack


Wound Care Pack 2 - National Option I (Sterile)

  1. 5 x Swabs 4-Ply Non-Woven (7.5 x 7.5cm)
  2. 1 x Paper Towel
  3. 1 x Yellow Bag
  4. 1 x Triangular Gallipot Tray
  5. 1 x Sterile Field
L1003 Wound Care Pack 2 - National Option I £ 10/Pack


National Wound Care Pack 1

  1. 5 x Swabs 4-Ply Non-Woven (7.5 x 7.5cm)
  2. 1 x Dressing Towel 2ply (38cm x 38cm)
  3. 1 x 2-Compartment Tray
  4. 1 x Tissue Backed Sterile Field
  5. 1 x 60ml Gallipot
DP10001 National Wound Care Pack 1 £ 10/Pack


Wound Care Pack 9 - National Option I (Sterile, Latex-Free)

  1. 1 x 2-Gallipot Tray (205 x 135 x 33mm)
  2. 4 x Griprite Blue Forceps (128mm)
  3. 5 x Cotton Wool Balls BP Large
  4. 1 x Yellow Bag with Adhesive Lip (45 x 29cm)
  5. 1 x Paper Towel (55 x 55cm)
  6. 5 x 4ply Non Woven Swab (7.5 x 7.5cm)
  7. 1 x Sterile Field (45 x 45cm)
L1140 Wound Care Pack 9 - National Option I £ 10/Pack


Dressing Pack - Procedure I

  1. 1 x Dressing towel (43 x 38cm)
  2. 1 x Paper Sterile Field (50 x 50cm)
  3. 5 x Non-Woven swabs 4ply (10cm x 10cm)
  4. 1 x 60ml Gallipot
  5. 1 x Yellow disposal bag
L1916 Dressing Pack - Procedure I £ 10/Pack


Basic Pack - Stockroom

  1. 1 x White Tissue Backed Sterile Field (50 x 50cm)
  2. 5 x Non-Woven 4ply swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm)
  3. 1 x 60ml Gallipot
DP10003 Basic Pack - Stockroom £ 10/Pack


Suture Removal Pack

  1. 1 x Suture removal forceps
  2. 1 x Stitch cutter blade
  3. 3 x 4ply Non-Woven swabs (5cm x 5cm)
  4. 1 x Dressing towel
  5. 1 x Laminate sheet
  6. 1 x Yellow disposal bag
M0016 Suture Removal Pack £ 10/Pack


Catheterisation Pack

  1. 3 x Non-Woven 4ply swabs (7.5cm x 7.5cm)
  2. 2 x Paper Crepe White (60cm x 60cm)
  3. 1 x Pulp kidney dish
  4. 1 x 60ml Gallipot
  5. 8 x Large Non-Woven balls
M4699 Catheterisation Pack £ 10/Pack


ISOCATH Catheter Insertion Pack

  1. 1 x Waste bag – White 45x29cm with adhesive lip
  2. 1 x 2 compartment tray (deep)
  3. 1 x Gallipot
  4. 2 x Nitrile gloves (available in sizes S and L) with wallet
  5. 1 x Impervious sterile field 75x75cm (wrap)
  6. 5 x Non-woven swabs 7.5×7.5cm 4 ply
  7. 1 x Fenestrated tissue backed drape blue 75x75cm
  8. 1 x Plastic foreceps
C101SM ISOCATH Catheter Insertion Pack £ 10/Pack


Vaginal Examination Packs

  1. 8 x Non Woven Balls Medium
  2. 1 x Gallipot 60ml
  3. 1 x Bowl 500ml
  4. 1 x Paper Towel
  5. 1 x Sterile Field
R7402 Vaginal Examination Packs £ 60 Packs/Case


Drug Tariff Spec 10

  1. 1 x Water repellent sterile field
  2. 1 x Absorbent paper towel
  3. 4 x Large cotton wool balls
  4. 1 x Absorbent dressing pad
  5. 4 x Absorbent swabs (10cm x 10cm)
MDT10 Drug Tariff Spec 10 £ 12/Pack

IVSafe IV Cannulation Packs

A sterile, single-use kit made for healthcare professionals performing intravenous cannulations. This pack includes all the necessary items for a clean, efficient, and secure IV insertion process, ensuring practitioner ease and patient comfort.

  1. 3 x Non-woven swabs 10x10cm 4-ply
  2. 1 x Tissue backed sterile field 50x50cm (wrap)
  3. 1 x Tissue backed drape 50x50cm (folded)
  4. 1 x Waste bag – Orange 45x29cm with adhesive lip
  5. 1 x Cannula insertion record (paper sticker)
  6. 1 x IV dressing 7x9cm
DPI101 IVSafe IV Cannulation Packs £ 10/Pack
Cotton Wool And SundriesBack to Top▲


Cotton Wool Balls

  1. BP Quality
  2. 100% Pure cotton wool
  3. Soft and absorbent
M1955 Cotton Wool Balls Small - 500/Bag £
M1960 Cotton Wool Balls Large - 250/Bag £


Large Sterile Cotton Wool Balls

  1. BP Quality
  2. Soft and absorbent
  3. 100% Pure cotton wool
M8172 Large Sterile Cotton Wool Balls - 200/Box (40x 5/Pack) £
Vernacare Sterile Non-woven Balls Size F

Vernacare Sterile Non-woven Balls - Size F

  1. Lint-free alternative to traditional cotton wool balls
  2. High quality non-woven material
VC28113 Vernacare Sterile Non-woven Balls - Size F - 100/Box (20x 5/Pack) £


Cotton Wool Roll BP

Conforming to the specifications of the NHS Drug Tariff.

M1565 Cotton Wool Roll 500g £ Each
Large Oval Cosmetic Cotton Pads

Large Oval Cosmetic Cotton Pads

Large oval shaped cosmetic pads suitable are suitable for spas, skin/beauty clinics and general cleansing as they are versatile. They can be used for applying lotions and creams, cleanser and are perfect for make-up application and removal. The compact surface is also ideal for applying liquids such as nail polish remover and toner etc.

  1. 100% Pure Cotton
  2. Soft & gentle
  3. Ideal for beauty treatments and general cleaning
B09142 Large Oval Cosmetic Cotton Pads - 50/Pack £
B9142BULK Large Oval Cosmetic Cotton Pads - 600/Case (12x 50/Pack) £


Round Cosmetic Pads

  1. 100% Pure Cotton
  2. Soft and gentle, ideal for facial cleansing
B47298 Cosmetic Pads - 80/Pack £
B47298BK Cosmetic Pads - 960/Case (12x 80/Pack) £

Assorted Applicators

Cotton Buds with Bamboo Stem B046 Cotton Buds (3″) with Bamboo Stem - 200/Tub £
B148 B148 Paper Stem Cotton Buds (Pointed/Rounded) - 200/Pack £
Cotton Buds with Paper Stem B10872 Cotton Buds (3″) with Paper Stem - 100/Tub £
Orange Sticks Wooden Applicators M2301 Orange Sticks (6″) Wooden Applicators - 1000/Pack £
M100 M100 Wooden Manicure/Cuticle Sticks (Slanted Ends) 15cm - 100/Pack £
Cotton Tip Wooden Applicators M982 Cotton Tip Wooden Applicators (6″) - 100/Box £
Sterile Cotton Tip Wooden Applicators M982S Sterile Cotton Tip Wooden Applicators (6″) - 500/Box (100 x 5/Pack) £


Sterile Plastic Forceps

  1. Disposable plastic forceps
  2. Individually packed
MF109-B Sterile Plastic Forceps £ 100/Pack


Yellow Waste Disposal Bags

Comes with a full width adhesive strip, which allows patients and staff to easily attach the bag to lockers or trolleys and acts as an effective seal prior to disposal of the bag.

WB66 Yellow Waste Disposal Bags - 10.5" x 18" £ 200/Pack
Skin ClosureBack to Top▲


Purple Surgical Skin Stapler

  1. Sterile skin stapler.
  2. Dispenses one staple each time the instrument trigger is activated.
  3. The staples first penetrate the skin and are then formed, holding the tissue together.
  4. Contains 35 staples.
MPS9030 Purple Surgical Skin Stapler £ Each


Purple Surgical Skin Staple Remover

  1. Perfectly removes disposable skin staples.
  2. Slides under the skin staple and kinks the staple so that it immediately releases the skin.
  3. Simple design – incredibly easy to use
MPS9033 Purple Surgical Skin Staple Remover £ Each


Histoacryl® Tissue Adhesive - 0.5ml Application

  1. Sterile skin/tissue adhesive application, for single patient use
  2. For closure of smooth and fresh skin wound and sclerotherapy
  3. Adhesive is coloured blue
H1050044 Histoacryl® Tissue Adhesive - 0.5ml Application £ Each


Dermabond® Pro Pen Topical Skin Adhesive

Easy post-operative care: Can shower straight away, no need for suture or staple removal and no need for dressings.

  1. 2-Octyl Cyanoacrylate
  2. High viscosity for better control
  3. 2 layer application for faster closure, especially on longer incisions
  4. Microbial barrier that seals out bacteria that can lead to infections
  5. Excellent cosmetic outcomes
APP6 Dermabond® Pro Pen Topical Skin Adhesive £ 6 x 0.5ml Ampoules
Bought to order

'Bought to order' items may incur an additional delivery cost, subject to availability.


DERMABOND®Mini Topical Skin Adhesive

DERMABOND® Mini Topical Skin Adhesive is a skin closure device that can be used to close easily approximated skin edges of wounds from small surgical incisions and lacerations.

  1. Strength: Clinically shown to provide 7-day wound-holding strength in just 3 minutes
  2. Microbial Barrier: Provides a flexible microbial barrier with 99% protection in vitro for 72 hours against organisms commonly responsible for surgical site infections (SSIs)
  3. Inhibition of bacteria: Demonstrates in vitro inhibition of gram-positive bacteria (MRSA and MRSE) and gram-negative bacteria (E coli)

  4. Promotes patient comfort by providing flexible closure without the pain or anxiety caused by needles
  5. Offers fast closure of small incisions and lacerations
  6. Addresses cost and convenience concerns by eliminating the need for return visits to remove sutures
AHV12 DERMABOND® Mini Topical Skin Adhesive £ 12 Ampoules/Box
Bought to order

3M Steri-Strip™ Skin Closures
  1. A unique microporous construction, reinforced with nylon filaments for improved strength, and a hypoallergenic adhesive
  2. Can be used alone or with sutures / staples
  3. They support more rapid development of wound tensile strength, leading to better healing and prevent scarring caused by puncture marks or cross-hatching
M1540 Steri-Strip™ 3mm x 75mm £ 250 Strips (50 x 5)
M1542 Steri-Strip™ 6mm x 38mm £ 300 Strips (50 x 6)
M1541 Steri-Strip™ 6mm x 75mm £ 150 Strips (50 x 3)
M1546 Steri-Strip™ 6mm x 100mm £ 500 Strips (50 x 10)
M1547 Steri-Strip™ 12mm x 100mm £ 300 Strips (50 x 6)
Miscellaneous SuppliesBack to Top▲


Electrosurgical HandPiece Sheaths Hyfrecator

  1. Single-use plastic sheaths for use with Hyfrecator electrosurgical pencils, in order to facilitate infection control.
  2. Please note: Pencil and electrode not included.
  3. Box of 100 non-sterile sheaths.
S7-796-18 Electrosurgical HandPiece Sheaths Hyfrecator £ 100/Box


Guedel Disposable Airways

Designed for free air flow, by protecting from airway occlusion from the relaxation of the tongue in an unconscious patient. The top colour coded section is thickened for protection from biting, ideal for seizure patients and unprotected airways.

  1. Designed for use by adequately trained professionals
  2. Available in 7 sizes with colour coded bit guards
  3. Sterile and individually packed
M387 Guedel Disposable Airways: Size 00 - ISO 5 - Light Blue £ Each
M388/0 Guedel Disposable Airways: Size 0 - ISO 5.5 - Grey £ Each
M388/1 Guedel Disposable Airways: Size 1 - ISO 6.5 - Brown £ Each
M388/2 Guedel Disposable Airways: Size 2 - ISO 8 - Green £ Each
M388/3 Guedel Disposable Airways: Size 3 - ISO 9 - Yellow £ Each
M388/4 Guedel Disposable Airways: Size 4 - ISO 10 - Red £ Each
M388/5 Guedel Disposable Airways: Size 5 £ Each


Disposable Hospital Prep Razors Twin-Blade

  1. Designed for pre-operative use, non-sterile
  2. Shaves hairs of any length
  3. Twin blade with protective cap
  4. Easy grip handles
M182H Disposable Hospital Prep Razors - 100/Box £
Unigloves Disposable Single-Blade Black Razors

Unigloves® Disposable Single-Blade Black Razors

  1. Ideal for removing body hair prior to tattoo designs being applied to the body
  2. The lightweight design delivers a close shave from the classic single fixed head blade
  3. Easy to hold and manoeuvre
  4. Suitable for dry shaving


  1. Comes complete with protective cap for additional hygiene
  2. Stainless steel blade
  3. Single-edged
  4. Non-sterile
  5. Single use
M184H Unigloves® Black Stainless Steel Razors - 100/Box £


Biodegradable Prep Razors - Twin Blade

Eco-friendly disposable razors, available in two pack sizes. Handle and head made completely of wheat straw, ensuring these razors are fully biodegradable - snap the blade off and the rest will biodegrade within a year. Twin blade razor head for a close but quick shave.

  1. Fixed head for safe shaving
  2. 2 blades disposable razor suitable for body and face
  3. Ergonomic designed plastic handle for excellent control
  4. “Wheat Straw” is the general term for the stems and leaves of mature crops
M186B Biodegradable Prep Razors - 50/Pack £ 50/Pack
M860B Biodegradable Prep Razors - 10/Pack £ 10/Pack


Sterile Supersnip Disposable Scissors

Individually packed sterile disposable nurses scissors.

  1. Latex-Free
  2. CE Marked
  3. Sterilized by Radiation
I602BS Nurses Sterile Scissors (Blunt/Sharp) £ Each
I55405 Nurses Sterile Scissors (Sharp/Sharp) £ Each


TUFF-CUT & Nurses Dressing Scissors

CE marked non-sterile stainless steel TUFF-CUT & nurses dressing scissors for a range of needs.

FA297 TUFF-CUT Scissors (19cm) £ Each
F815 Nurses Dressing Scissors - Blunt/Blunt (13cm) £ Each


Cryospray 59 - 50ml - 6/Pack

  1. A lightweight self contained portable system that delivers 12 applications per 50ml
  2. The professional solution for effective wart and verruca removal
  3. Designed to freeze tissue to temperatures of around -50°C to achieve an effective result
  4. Pack contains: 6x 50ml Cryospray 50ml Sprays, 12x Cotton Wool Tipped Applicators, 6x Straw Tubes
CRY310 Cryospray 59 - 50ml - 6/Pack £ Each


EZY-AID Sterile Surgical Skin Marker Pen

Available in three sizes: 0.35mm tip - Extra Fine - TF02 / 0.50mm tip - Fine tip - TF01 / 1.00mm tip - Regular tip - TR03

  1. Compatible with skin prep liquids and removable with soap water or alcohol swabs.
  2. ISO10993 Biocompatibility tested.
  3. Gentian Violet Ink.
  4. Suitable for sensitive skin. Quick Drying.
  5. Sterile 6" Ruler included with each skin marker.
  6. Individually wrapped in sterile blister pack.
TF01 EZY-AID Sterile Surgical Skin Marker Pen - FINE TIP £ Each
TF02 EZY-AID Sterile Surgical Skin Marker Pen - EXTRA FINE TIP £ Each
TR03 EZY-AID Sterile Surgical Skin Marker Pen - REGULAR TIP £ Each


Medline Sterile Surgical Skin Marker with 6" Ruler

  1. This sterile skin marker contains medical-grade, non-irritating gentian violet ink, and offers a longer product life
  2. Along with the dark-blue surgical marker, a 15 cm-long ruler is also included for precision
  3. Standard tip, with 6 inch/15cm ruler
IUN01 Medline Sterile Surgical Skin Marker with 6" Ruler £ Each Out of stock
Bowls And TraysBack to Top▲

Disposable Pulp Bowls & Dishes

A variety of disposable pulp products for practical patient care which help to prevent infection.

(Click on images to enlarge)

General Purpose Bowls
M104A General Purpose Bowls (1 Litre) £ 25/Pack
Kidney Dishes
M105A Kidney Dishes (700ml) £ 20/Pack
CS Receivers
M106A CS Receivers (900ml) £ 25/Pack
General Purpose/Wash Bowls (3 Litre)
M107A Wash Bowls (3 Litre) £ 25/Pack
Vernacare Logo

Vernacare Disposable Pulp Bowls & Dishes

A variety of disposable pulp products for practical patient care which help to prevent infection.

Vernacare Male Urine Bottles (800ml)

Vernacare Male Urine Bottle (800ml)

Encourages independent toileting, providing convenience, dignity and comfort to patients. Ergonomically shaped traditional design.

Code: VER102
Quantity: 5/Pack
Capacity: 800ml

Price: £

Vernacare Kidney Dishes (700ml)

Vernacare Kidney Dishes (700ml)
General purpose receptacle, ideal for holding a variety of medical items including dressings, wipes or surgical instruments.

Code: VER105
Quantity: 20/Pack
Capacity: 700ml

Price: £

Vernacare General Purpose Bowls (1 Litre)

Vernacare General Purpose Bowl (1 Litre)
General purpose bowl, ergonomically shaped with integrated graduations for measuring liquids.

Code: VER104
Quantity: 25/Pack
Capacity: 1 Litre

Price: £

Vernacare Detergent Proof Wash Bowls (2 Litre)

Vernacare Detergent Proof Wash Bowl (2 Litre)
Wash bowl ideal for warm water and detergent for 2 hours.

Code: VER118
Quantity: 25/Pack
Capacity: 2 Litre

Price: £


Disposable Pulp Injection Trays

Flat based trays ideal for collecting used medical items.

M172W Disposable Pulp Injection Trays - 225 x 135 x 20mm £ 100/Pack


Stainless Steel Instrument Trays

  1. Stainless steel, CE marked, re-usable surgical instrument trays
  2. If you require another size then please contact us with the details, and we will do our best to help

794560 Instrument Tray 6" x 8" x 2" - With Lid £ Each
LID560 Lid for Instrument Tray 6" x 8" x 2"
(Fits 794560)
£ Each
Stock =
794562 Instrument Tray 8" x 10" x 2" - With Lid £ Each
794570 Instrument Tray 10" x 12" x 2" - With Lid £ Each


Stainless Steel Lotion Bowls

  1. Stainless steel, CE marked, re-usable Lotion Bowls
  2. If you require another size then please contact us with the details, and we will do our best to help

15-004 Lotion Bowl 10cm Diameter £ Each
15-015 Lotion Bowl 15cm Diameter £ Each
15-020 Lotion Bowl 20cm Diameter £ Each
SKG-60-615 Lotion Bowl 24cm Diameter £ Each


Stainless Steel Kidney Dish

  1. Suitable for a wide range of applications
  2. Dimensions: Length -20cm, Width - 9cm, Depth - 3cm

16-001 Stainless Steel Kidney Dish £ Each

Medical Polypropylene Holloware Warwick Range

  1. Reusable Instrument Trays Medical Polyware Warwick Range
  2. Designed to meet the requirements of BS5452 British standard for hospital Holloware
  3. Can be sterilised by steam autoclaving, ethylene oxide and plasma gas processing
  4. Can be repeatedly washed and autoclaved at 135°C
  5. Complies with ISO 9001:2000, CE marked, class 1 medical devices

Product Features

  1. Autoclavable
  2. Strong and durable
  3. Guaranteed 1000 cycles
  4. Light weight - "about 50% lighter than stainless steel"
  5. Improved removal of residues
  6. Smooth edges and surfaces eliminate paper rips during sterilization
  7. Designed to maximise space for instruments and accessories

Intended Uses

  1. Instrument tray, with ribbed base - Hold and transport medical/surgical instruments for a procedure.
  2. Kidney dish bowl - Hold and transport medical/surgical instruments for a procedure. Also used for wound washing, and to hold vomit or oral secretions.
  3. Lotion/Sponge bowl - Fluid container, holder/carrier for surgical instruments prior/during procedure, also collecting body waste or other matter.
Warwick Sasco Instrument Tray Product Code IT2015
IT2015 Warwick Sasco Polypropylene Holloware Instrument Tray - 200mm x 150mm x 51mm £ Each
Warwick Sasco Instrument Tray Product Code IT3025
KD302 Warwick Sasco Polypropylene Holloware Instrument Tray - 300mm x 250mm x 52mm £ Each
Warwick Sasco Instrument Tray Product Code IT4030
IT4030 Warwick Sasco Polypropylene Holloware Instrument Tray - 424mm x 305mm x 75mm £ Each
Warwick Sasco Kidney Dish 500ml Graduated up to 300mm Product Code KD200
KD200 Warwick Sasco Polypropylene Holloware Kidney Dish 500ml (Graduated to 300mm) - 200m x 45mm £ Each
Warwick Sasco Kidney Dish 1500ml Graduated Product Code KD300
KD300 Warwick Sasco Polypropylene Holloware Kidney Dish 1500ml (Graduated to 1500ml) - 300m x 65mm £ Each
Warwick Sasco Lotion Sponge Bowl Graduated 2 Litres Product Code LB200
KD280 Warwick Sasco Polypropylene Holloware Lotion/Sponge Bowl 2 Litre - 200m x 90mm £ Each


Sterile Disposable Kidney Dish

  1. Suitable for a wide range of applications
  2. Sterile & individually wrapped
  3. Made from polypropylene
  4. 10" in diameter
STK005 Sterile Disposable Kidney Dish £ Each


Disposable Gallipots

Disposable clear gallipots with graduation marks.

Sterile and non-sterile options. 60ml and 120ml sizes available.

M270 Rocialle Non-Sterile Disposable Gallipots - 60ml £ 100/Pack

M9012 365 Sterile Disposable Gallipots - 60ml £ 20/Pack <
M271 Vernacare Sterile Disposable Gallipots - 60ml £ 20/Box

M120 Rocialle Sterile Disposable Gallipots - 120ml £ 20/Pack
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